Allied Arts
The Hotspur Book of Shadow Magic
$15.00 -
More Magic Tricks, Science Facts
$6.00 -
$25.00 -
The Pop-Up Book of Magic Tricks
$30.00 -
Sam Loyd's Tricks & Puzzles, Vol. I
$50.00 -
Modern Hand Shadows (Inscribed and Signed)
$35.00 -
Melody Magic
$50.00 -
The Headless Lady
$10.00 -
Conjurer's Wisdom
$20.00 -
Conjurer's Wisdom, Volume 2
$20.00 -
Curiosities of Human Nature
$175.00 -
Philosophy in Sport Made Science in Earnest
$125.00 -
Blitz’s Book of Magic and Songs
$650.00 -
Zauber-Bilderbuch (Blow Book)
$200.00 -
The Shadow: Night of the Killers, Volume 3, No. 10
$15.00 -
The Edge of the Unknown
$45.00 -
Monster Midway
$300.00 -
Magic Gold: A Story of the Time of Roger Bacon
$20.00 -
The Fraud of Modern "Theosophy" Exposed
$125.00 -
The Playbook of Metals
$80.00 -
Juggling Made Easy!
$6.00 -
The Art of Ventriloquism
$45.00 -
Cues for Collectors
$20.00 -
Thurston's Book of Magic (Reproduction)
$20.00 -
Make a Fully-Working Ventriloquist's Dummy
$6.00 -
The Encyclopedia of the Occult
$23.00 -
The Magic of Lewis Carroll
$12.00 -
David Copperfield's Tales of the Impossible
$10.00 -
Masters of Deception
$12.00 -
More Optical Illusions
$6.00 -
The Science of Illusions
$6.00 -
Seeing Double
$6.00 -
$6.00 -
Want to Be a Juggler?
$35.00 -
Can You Believe Your Eyes?
$13.00 -
$15.00 -
Baranger: Window Displays in Motion
$80.00 -
Collection of Dale Salwak Books
$65.00 -
Natural Philosophy
$80.00 -
1001 Home Amusements
$60.00 -
Scientific Amusements
$125.00 -
Old London Cries
$195.00 -
Festivals, Games, and Amusements
$105.00 -
Games, Pastimes, and Amusements
$45.00 -
Esther Waters
$10.00 -
The Art of Memory
$75.00 -
Indoor Sports
$100.00 -
Marge's Little Lulu and Her Magic Tricks (Inscribed and Signed)
$17.00 -
No Coffin for the Corpse
$30.00 -
Pieces of Dreams, Book #2
$35.00 -
Indoor Games and Recreations
$80.00 -
Mandrake the Magician and the Flame Pearls
$12.00 -
Sherlock Holmes, Two Complete Adventures
$6.00 -
Blondie and Dagwood's Adventure in Magic
$9.00 -
Seventy Years a Showman
$35.00 -
How to Read Palms (Inscribed and Signed)
$55.00 -
Everybody's Fun
$20.00 -
Magus: Master of Martial Magic, Book I: The Magician's Primer (Inscribed and Signed)
$65.00 -
Juggling for Fun and Entertainment
$10.00 -
Jar of Fools: A Picture Story
$6.00 -
Ventriloquism and Juggling
$12.00 -
World's Most Incredible Puzzles
$6.00 -
Parlor Amusements and Social Etiquette
$70.00 -
Fifty Funny Figure Stunts
$20.00 -
Endless Amusement
$45.00 -
The Odd Book of Data
$12.00 -
Vintage Magic Coloring Book
$25.00 -
Levitaion: Physics and Psychology in the Service of Deception
$18.00 -
Routledge's Every Boy's Annual
$175.00 -
The Professional Comedian's Source Book
$10.00 -
Sight Bits
$10.00 -
$10.00 -
Comedy Quickies
$10.00 -
Bits, Boffs and Banter
$10.00 -
Comedy Technique
$10.00 -
Big, Big Laughs
$10.00 -
Classified Comedy
$10.00 -
Gag Bonanza
$10.00 -
Ventriloquism as a Hobby
$40.00 -
Sleight of One Liners (For Lack of a Better Title), Book Five
$8.00 -
Ventriloquism of Today
$15.00 -
The Adventures of a Boy Magician
$80.00 -
Il Cacolo Senza Cifre Ossia Nuovo Metodo di fare La Moltiplicazione e La Divisione
$200.00 -
La Science Amusante
$65.00 -
Magical Hints, Valuable Information: Book Three
$50.00 -
Fisica Recreativa
$45.00 -
Comedies and Legends for Marionettes
$30.00 -
La Science Amusante
$125.00 -
Ciencia Recreativa
$35.00 -
Hercat's Ventriloquist
$35.00 -
Astounding Optical Illusions
$8.00 -
The Boy Mechanic, Book 4
$50.00 -
Assimilative Memory or How to Attend and Never Forget
$15.00 -
The Boy Mechanic, Volume II
$55.00 -
Secret Writings
$50.00 -
Le Theatre D'ombres a Kelantan
$145.00 -
Le Sourcier Moderne: Manuel de l'Operateur a la Baguette et au Pendule
$115.00 -
$45.00 -
Creative Clowning
$12.00 -
Pocket Entertainments, A Series
$45.00 -
The Boy's Own Toy-Maker
$65.00 -
Presto Magic for Boys and Girls
$15.00 -
Practical Ventriloquism
$75.00 -
More Hand Shadows to Be Thrown Upon the Wall
$10.00 -
Great Balloons!: The Complete Book of Balloon Sculpting
$45.00 -
Memoirs of Bartholomew Fair
$135.00 -
Magic in Rhyme
$20.00 -
Adventures of 51 Magicians and a Fakir
$38.00 -
Norgil: More Tales of Prestidigitection
$35.00 -
The Man Who Walked Through Walls (Inscribed and Signed)
$35.00 -
A Lifetime of Deception
$70.00 -
Houdini: A Circus Opera
$15.00 -
The Wife of Four Hobbies
$50.00 -
The Great Sebastians
$20.00 -
Entertaining with Ventriloquism (Inscribed and Signed)
$20.00 -
The Magician's Wife (Graphic Novel)
$15.00 -
La Monica's Balloon Sculptures
$6.00 -
The Life, Times, and Scientific Labours of the Second Marquis of Worcester
$275.00 -
The Royal Riddler
$95.00 -
The Boy's Own Book