Biography | History
Conjuring the Spirit World: Art, Magic, and Mediums (Signed)
$40.00 -
Del Ray, America's Foremost: The Magician for His Time
$85.00 -
St. George's Hall: Behind the Scenes at England's Home of Mystery
$75.00 -
The Truth About Uri Geller
$25.00 -
Stanley Collins: Conjurer, Collector, and Iconoclast
$75.00 -
The Lost Notebooks of John Northern Hilliard
$50.00 -
The Glorious Deception
$22.00 -
Presto! Magic for the Beginner
$6.00 -
Dai Vernon: A Biography
$30.00 -
Carl Rosini: His Life and His Magic
$15.00 -
The Young Harry Houdini in Appleton
$15.00 -
Geschichte der Magie
$250.00 -
P. T. Selbit: Magical Innovator
$100.00 -
Levante: His Life, No Illusion
$75.00 -
Fabulous Destinations (Signed)
$40.00 -
The Magician and the Cinema
$15.00 -
There Will Be Wonderful Surprises Draft
$50.00 -
Has This Ever Happened to You? (Inscribed and Signed)
$35.00 -
Undiluted Hocus-Pocus: The Autobiography of Martin Gardner
$20.00 -
The Piddingtons
$45.00 -
P. T. Selbit, Magical Innovator
$100.00 -
Houdini: A Magician Among the Spirits
$10.00 -
Houdini: A Pictorial Biography, Including More Than 250 Illustrations
$20.00 -
Houdini Speaks Out: "I Am Houdini! And You Are a Fraud!"
$13.00 -
The Original Houdini Scrapbook
$20.00 -
The Great Book of Magic
$15.00 -
My Magic Husband
$70.00 -
The Secret Ways of Al Baker
$300.00 -
Harry Leat, Magic Dealer and Crusader
$25.00 -
Forty Years In & Around Magic
$20.00 -
The Fraud of Modern "Theosophy" Exposed
$125.00 -
It's Fun to Be Fooled
$75.00 -
Around the World with a Magician and a Juggler
$100.00 -
Oscar Eliason, the Original "Dante the Great"
$15.00 -
The Magician on the American Stage, 1752-1874
$120.00 -
The Playbook of Metals
$80.00 -
The Oldest Deception
$75.00 -
Net of Magic
$32.00 -
The Great Illusionists
$14.00 -
Houdini's Fabulous Magic
$10.00 -
Houdini's Fabulous Magic
$6.00 -
Houdini's Fabulous Magic
$8.00 -
The History of a Strange Case
$100.00 -
The Adventurous Life of A Versatile Artist
$75.00 -
Notes on Wazuma
$25.00 -
Meister Der Zauberkunst
$150.00 -
The Illustrated History of Magic
$10.00 -
The Spiritualists
$35.00 -
Houdini's Strange Tales: A Collection of Fiction
$20.00 -
Devant's Delightful Delusions
$125.00 -
The Haunted Hat (Signed)
$45.00 -
Early Australian Magic Catalogues 1886-1912 (Signed)
$45.00 -
The Trade of the Tricks
$12.00 -
Thurston's Book of Magic
$40.00 -
With All Faults: Essays About Old Books
$35.00 -
A Candid View of Maskelyne's 1916-17
$30.00 -
Collection of Robert Albo Publications
$225.00 -
The History of Spiritualism, Volume One
$22.00 -
Houdini: His Life-Story (Signed)
$45.00 -
The Oxford Book of the Supernatural
$6.00 -
The Magic of Lewis Carroll
$12.00 -
Richard Himber: The Man and His Magic
$85.00 -
The Blackstone Book of Magic & Illusion
$10.00 -
The Blackstone Book of Magic & Illusion
$30.00 -
Malini and His Magic
$85.00 -
Milo & Roger: A Magical Life
$30.00 -
Isis and Beyond: The Biography of Cecil E. Nixon
$100.00 -
$10.00 -
Paul Daniels and the Story of Magic
$12.00 -
The Blackstone Book of Magic & Illusion (Inscribed and Signed)
$100.00 -
The Magic and Illusions of Lee Grabel (Signed)
$215.00 -
Rovi: The Story of a Man and His Magic
$35.00 -
Joe Karson - Beyond Zombie
$95.00 -
The Rise of the Indian Rope Trick
$6.00 -
Maskelyne and Cooke, Egyptian Hall, London, 1873-1904
$125.00 -
The War Magician
$15.00 -
My Magic Life
$60.00 -
The Magical Life of Long Tack Sam
$10.00 -
Mysterious Stranger: A Book of Magic
$10.00 -
Panorama of Magic
$20.00 -
Laurant: The Man of Many Mysteries
$25.00 -
Classic Correspondence from Egyptian Hall Museum I
$55.00 -
Goodnight Mr. Dante
$30.00 -
Trouping with Dante
$65.00 -
Masters of Mystery
$6.00 -
Modern Enchantments: The Cultural Power of Secular Magic
$30.00 -
My Magic Life
$50.00 -
The Artistic and Magical Life of Bob Kline (Signed)
$150.00 -
Panorama of Magic
$10.00 -
Panorama of Magic
$10.00 -
The Harbin Book
$95.00 -
The Illustrated History of Magic
$30.00 -
The Great Raymond
$275.00 -
The Magic of Tenkai
$105.00 -
Soirees Fantastiques (English)
$1,500.00 -
Conjurians' Discoveries
$30.00 -
Dramatic Magic
$30.00 -
Wonders of Magic
$30.00 -
The Amazing Harry Kellar, Great American Magician
$6.00 -
Our Life of Magic
$175.00 -
Charles Bertram: The Court Conjurer
$70.00 -
Willard: A Life Under Canvas
$75.00 -
The Master Illusionists
$25.00 -
The Life and Times of Augustus Rapp: the Small Town Showman
$45.00 -
Tales from the Uncanny Scot
$65.00 -
In a Class by Himself: The Legacy of Don Alan
$35.00 -
The Great Wizard of the North, John Henry Anderson
$45.00 -
Fetsching Magic
$45.00 -
The Magic Brothers: Carl and Alexander Herrmann
$12.00 -
A Magician's Tour - Revisited -
$80.00 -
Thurston Scrapbook: Grace Thurston Manuscript
$32.00 -
The Davenport Story, Volume Two
$115.00 -
The Davenport Story, Volume One
$115.00 -
The Davenport Story, Volume Three
$115.00 -
A History of Playing Cards and Bibliography of Cards and Gaming
$35.00 -
The Enigma of Daniel Home: Medium or Fraud?
$25.00 -
The Unmasking of Robert-Houdin
$25.00 -
Street Magic: An Illustrated History of Wandering Magicians and Their Conjuring Arts
$85.00 -
Magic 1400s-1950s
$90.00 -
Street Magic: An Illustrated History of Wandering Magicians and Their Conjuring Arts