Stage Magic
Words from the Wizard
$9.00 -
Tricks in Magic, Illusions, and Mental Phenomena Vol. I - III
$225.00 -
The Magic of J. N. Hofzinser
$115.00 -
The Nixon Manuscript and Blueprints
$125.00 -
Sensational Tales of Mystery Men
$30.00 -
"IT": A Book of Novel and Original Interesting Tricks
$45.00 -
Maskelyne's Book of Magic
$65.00 -
"IT": A Book of Novel and Original Interesting Tricks (Inscribed and Signed)
$50.00 -
My 25 Years of Magic (Signed)
$15.00 -
Silk at Your Fingertips
$22.00 -
Donald Holmes' Tricks, Volume 1
$20.00 -
Modus Operandi, Part One and Part Two
$40.00 -
Tragic Magic
$30.00 -
$13.00 -
The Yellow Notes (Inscribed and Signed)
$22.00 -
An Invitation to Mystery
$25.00 -
Magic by Ho Yam
$23.00 -
McComb's Magic: 25 Years Wiser
$35.00 -
Der Zauber Salon
$30.00 -
The Secrets of Karl Germain
$25.00 -
Just Ropes, Rings & Ropes, Rope Escapes
$45.00 -
The Magic Art
$25.00 -
The Boy Magician: 156 Amazing Tricks & Sleights of Hand
$6.00 -
Waller's Wonders
$35.00 -
Dai Vernon's Symphony of the Rings
$20.00 -
The Nixon Manuscript in Book Form, Deluxe Edition (Inscribed and Signed)
$100.00 -
My Canes and Candles
$35.00 -
Ireland's Manipulative Series in Three Parts
$25.00 -
Clever and Pleasant Inventions, Part One
$80.00 -
Robert Harbin Memorial Lecture
$15.00 -
Magic From Our Notebook
$30.00 -
Marconick's Original Magic (Autographed Copy)
$105.00 -
Secrets of the Great Magicians Plus Magic You Can Do
$30.00 -
Feather Flowers from Nowhere
$15.00 -
Some Modern Conjuring
$45.00 -
Genial Improbabilities
$15.00 -
Clever…. Like a Fox (Inscribed and Signed)
$55.00 -
Fifteen Minutes with a Piece of Rope
$10.00 -
The Magic Wand "Shilling Series" Books
$35.00 -
Trickery Tricks
$25.00 -
Don Alan's Rubber Circus!
$8.00 -
The Kid Stuff of Louis Bertol
$10.00 -
Tops: Treasury of Illusions
$25.00 -
A Trip to the Orient
$25.00 -
A Trip to the Orient (Signed)
$25.00 -
Demagic: The Magic of Jesse Demaline
$65.00 -
$12.00 -
Maskelyne's Book of Magic
$100.00 -
Magic: Stage Illusions and Scientific Diversions
$175.00 -
Just for Laughs
$13.00 -
The Miracle Man: The Magic of Eric C. Lewis
$25.00 -
Nuts 'N' Bits
$25.00 -
On with the Show
$13.00 -
Tom Seller's Magical Mixture
$15.00 -
Party Pieces (Inscribed and Signed)
$15.00 -
Kid Stuff Volume Four
$8.00 -
Zoss Does Tricks, Too! (Inscribed and Signed)
$15.00 -
Year Book 1965-6
$30.00 -
The Boy's Own Conjuring Book
$150.00 -
The Boy Showman and Entertainer
$35.00 -
Ergotzliches Experimentierbuch
$30.00 -
Hundert Schnurrpfeifereien
$30.00 -
Magic No Mystery
$115.00 -
The Sociable
$145.00 -
Indian Conjuring
$70.00 -
Im Reiche der Wunder
$75.00 -
Houdini's Escapes and Magic
$55.00 -
Encyclopedic Balloon Modeling Course, Volume I and II
$22.00 -
Later Magic
$125.00 -
Easy Magic with Patter, Part I and II
$55.00 -
Easy Magic for Everyone
$30.00 -
Tricks for Everyone
$25.00 -
Ring Up the Curtain
$25.00 -
Secrets of the Great Mysteries Now Revealed for the First Time
$55.00 -
Conjured Up
$45.00 -
Magic from the Dope Den
$20.00 -
$15.00 -
Magic in the Modern Manner
$65.00 -
Safety Magic for Children
$30.00 -
Magic "On Stage"
$30.00 -
Pocket Entertainments, A Series
$45.00 -
Encyclopedia of Amateur and Professional Magic for Home and Stage
$25.00 -
An Essay on Magic
$25.00 -
John Ramsay's Triple Restoration (Signed)
$175.00 -
The Art of Modern Conjuring
$125.00 -
Norman Hunter's Successful Magic for Amateurs
$30.00 -
The Great Mysteries, Now Revealed for the First Time
$45.00 -
The Art of Body Loading and Productions
$15.00 -
Midnight Fantasy Sketchbook
$30.00 -
The Balloon Book
$8.00 -
Bob Wagner's Master Notebook of Magic
$30.00 -
Tabman Magic (Inscribed and Signed)
$35.00 -
How to Become a Ventriloquist
$15.00 -
Self-Instruction in Ventriloquism and Dummy Making
$18.00 -
MacCabe's Art of Ventriloquism and Vocal Illusions
$45.00 -
$55.00 -
Illusionworks: Illusions, Ideas & Inspiration
$40.00 -
Illusionworks II
$55.00 -
Tricks and Magic Made Easy
$25.00 -
Newspaper Magic
$12.00 -
Magical Suggestions
$25.00 -
Magic Illusions and Magicians
$85.00 -
Smart Talk and Smart Tricks
$50.00 -
Memoirs and Confessions of a Stage Magician
$15.00 -
The Magic Art
$25.00 -
Ron MacMillan's Symphony of the Spheres
$20.00 -
Columbus' Egg: Tricks, Games, Experiments
$15.00 -
The Robert-Houdin Portfolio
$55.00 -
Mes Trucs
$175.00 -
Easy Magic with Patter
$150.00 -
Bev Taylor's Town House Magic
$35.00 -
More Classic Magic with Apparatus (Signed)
$350.00 -
$20.00 -
The Odin Rings
$22.00 -
The Odin Rings
$60.00 -
The Penetrable Silk
$15.00 -
Sparky's One Balloon Menagerie
$15.00 -
Das Universum Der Magie (Billiard Balls)
$75.00 -
Simply Wizard
$15.00 -
The Bailey Formula (Inscribed and Signed)