Stage Magic
The Super Bullet Catching Act
$75.00 -
Harold Rice Presents Francis B. Martineau's Walsh Cane Routines
$15.00 -
Modern Conjuring
$20.00 -
TV's Original Balloonatic
$12.00 -
One Balloon Zoo
$12.00 -
Deceptive Conceptions in Magic
$25.00 -
Aids to Wizardry
$40.00 -
Mac's Magic
$20.00 -
Bongo's Bazaar, An Evening of Pongolian Rubbish Lecture Notes
$6.00 -
Original Magical Novelties
$22.00 -
A Magical Spoonerism Lecture
$20.00 -
Sam Berland's Lecture, Tricks and Routines
$20.00 -
Conjuring for Connoisseurs, The Magic Wand "Shilling Series" No. 1
$18.00 -
Sensational Secrets
$15.00 -
The Boy's Own Conjuring Book
$100.00 -
A Modern Handkerchief Act with Humourous Patter
$15.00 -
George Kirkendall's Magic You Like to See
$15.00 -
A Demonstrator's Dream, Part I
$20.00 -
The Book of Magic
$30.00 -
Harry George Versus Magic
$8.00 -
Magic and Its Professors
$150.00 -
Practical Conjuring
$70.00 -
The Young Conjurer, Part Two
$30.00 -
Magical Masterpieces
$75.00 -
Magical Masterpieces
$65.00 -
Royal Linen Presents Magic
$15.00 -
Complete Magic Show by the Great Blackstone
$25.00 -
Thirteen Magic University Books
$65.00 -
Hen Fetsch's Magic with Canes (Signed)
$125.00 -
John Cornelius Creative Secrets No. 1
$6.00 -
Stage Flying 431 B. C. to Modern Times
$35.00 -
Indian Magic with Selected Tricks and Illusions
$45.00 -
The Book of Secrets: Miracles, Ancient and Modern
$50.00 -
Sorcar on Magic
$150.00 -
A Pocket Book of Patter
$20.00 -
The Wizard's Magic Book
$25.00 -
Tarbell Volume Eight: Notebook (Signed)
$65.00 -
Hindu Magic
$55.00 -
Tricks and Illusions
$65.00 -
The Magic of 1936 (Inscribed and Signed)
$50.00 -
The Magic Hands (Signed)
$35.00 -
Modern Illusions
$15.00 -
How to Become a Conjurer
$13.00 -
Scientific Magical Experiments
$25.00 -
Stage Mentalism
$15.00 -
The Bold and Subtle Miracles of Dr. Faust
$12.00 -
Popular Magic for the Amateur Conjurer
$13.00 -
$50.00 -
Dick's One Hundred Amusements for Evening Parties, Picnics and Social Gatherings
$175.00 -
Magic in the Morris Manor
$30.00 -
Today's Magic
$25.00 -
How to Eat Fire Without Indigestion
$22.00 -
Abbott's Magic for Magicians: Secrets for Occidental and Oriental Mysteries
$65.00 -
Patter Chatter
$25.00 -
Miraculous Hindu Feats
$15.00 -
Simply Magic, Lecture by Will Ayling
$9.00 -
Le Grandes Illusions d'Hier et d'Aujourd'hui
$225.00 -
Water Wizardry
$35.00 -
Topper's Mad, Mad, Magic
$75.00 -
La Magie De Finn Jon
$70.00 -
Television Dove Magic
$90.00 -
Rice's More Naughty Silks
$125.00 -
Conjuring for Amateurs
$25.00 -
How to Make Puppets and Teach Puppetry
$15.00 -
My Profession
$45.00 -
Great Tricks Revealed
$40.00 -
Groot Spectrum Goochelboek
$30.00 -
Mark Wilson's Greatest Magic Tricks
$10.00 -
Conjuring Apparatus Up-To-Date
$45.00 -
Original Mysteries for Magicians
$35.00 -
Milbourne Christopher's Magic Book
$10.00 -
Later Magic
$125.00 -
More of Berlands Exclusive Tricks
$12.00 -
Lecture Notes: New Orleans, July 1982
$20.00 -
Gaetan Bloom 86 (Inscribed and Signed)
$18.00 -
Gaetan Bloom Lecture Notes: Las Vegas, March 1981
$20.00 -
Chinese Magic and Illusions
$9.00 -
Quality Magic
$125.00 -
Gale's Cabinet of Knowledge, or, Miscellaneous Recreations
$900.00 -
The New Field: Commercial Magic Via Sponsors
$10.00 -
Browsing Around in Magic
$12.00 -
The Magician's Road to Fame
$250.00 -
If Ever a Wiz There Was! (Inscribed and Signed)
$25.00 -
Twelve Tested Tricks
$30.00 -
Walter Gibson's Encyclopedia of Magic and Conjuring
$22.00 -
Professional Magic for Children
$22.00 -
The Marian Chavez: Encyclopedia of Dove Magic
$30.00 -
Jeff Ezell's Close-Up & Parlor Magic, Lecture Notes
$22.00 -
Nuevo Manual De Magia Blanca
$205.00 -
First Impressions
$16.00 -
Magic and Its Mysteries
$90.00 -
Some More Exquisite Conjuring, Vol. II
$42.00 -
The Book of Exquisite Conjuring Vol. I
$42.00 -
Magician 24/7
$12.00 -
Kid Stuff III
$25.00 -
Magic Secrets from the Seven Circles
$15.00 -
The Table Book
$14.00 -
Tony Marks, Aristocrat of Deception (Inscribed and Signed)
$40.00 -
The Best of John Fedko, No. 2
$16.00 -
Topper's Mad, Mad, Magic
$25.00 -
People Know Everything!
$12.00 -
Piet Forton Lecture Notes
$16.00 -
The Secrets of Stage Conjuring
$125.00 -
Raspberry Tarts (Inscribed and Signed)
$22.00 -
Will Goldston's More Exclusive Magical Secrets
$125.00 -
Will Goldston Bundle
$90.00 -
Magic and Its Professors
$150.00 -
Levitation Secrets and Sawing Illusion Secrets
$25.00 -
Talks for Tricks
$40.00 -
Twists and Fancies of the Modern Magician
$30.00 -
All the Secrets of Magic Revealed
$8.00 -
Conjuring as a Craft (1970)
$15.00 -
More Patter
$15.00 -
Harold Rice Presents Keith Clark's Silks Supreme!
$12.00 -
Silken Sorcery
$8.00 -
The Magician Presents
$11.00 -
Seabrooke's Book
$30.00 -
Chemical Magic
$55.00 -
Magical Revelations
$65.00 -
Charles Barry Townsend Books